Ok, my thousands (two) of followers... Time to fling the Christmas tree out the front door, and get on with it. Good bye to ThanksHallowWismas!, Hello to the days getting longer! Before you know it, it will be February, and the little daffodils will be poking their heads up through the ground. In the meantime, come on in my house and snoop around a little. It's just a little house, not that fancy, but we like it, and I'm am learning so much about decorating from you guys. I have a gabillion ideas in my head about wall colors and tufted headboards and chandeliers, and mirrors and hutches and hardwood floors and farmhouse sinks, which is a great, except that a lot of it takes time and money, of which I have very little. Along with all these ideas and projects and trying to do three things at once, it becomes obvious to most anyone who is around me any length of time that I most likely have a form of adult attention deficit disorder so severe that it is amazing I'm not on high doses of something. And of course my fiancee thinks I'm insane, because of the strange things I bring into the house... like tree branches and things with paint peeling off, and of course there was the Magnolia leaf heist when I made him drive the getaway car... but I think he likes me anyway. Soooo... that was obviously a ramble... here are a few pics of places in my house, some cute corners, and some messy real life stuff....