Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Baby Chandy in the Kitchen...

 Isn't this the sweetest little baby chandelier... I hung it in my kitchen over the sink, and it makes me so happy to stand right near it while i do dishes.  And believe me, there are always dishes... ! It came from my friend's shop in Hillsborough, NC.  I know I talk about my friend alot... she always tells me when she gets good things in, so i can see first, and always gives me a good price.  This little girl was there for a while, because she was so small in the shop, she was hard to notice, but in my kitchen she is just right! 

and last...a heavenly gardenia with a fading Pearly Gates  rose....


  1. oh, that would make me soooooooo happy too!!!!!

  2. Thank you Cindy for your beautiful visit, I had a petite chandelier just like this one and ended up selling it in my shop space, wish I had it now!

    It looks fabulous in your kitchen just where it needs to be for now!

    Come visit soon, have and inspiring week!

  3. I'll come over and wash dishes with ya. You know what~I have a very similar baby chandy. I can't find it though, it is packed in a box somewhere! gah.

  4. I have always wanted to hang a little "chandi" over my kitchen sink...Yours is perfect.


  5. Hi Cindy,
    I love, love, love your pretty little chandelier and it's found the perfect spot.


  6. Lovely chandelier - It would make me smile! Perfect for that spot - I can just imagine the heavenly fragrance of the Gardenia and the Rose - beautiful,
    Hope you have a marvelous day,

  7. I love baby chandy's and you've found the perfect home for yours!

  8. Oh Cindy, it is so pretty! I love it over the sink! Makes you feel kind of elegant as you wash dishes, doesn't it?~Hugs, Patti

  9. Hi Cindy. Thank you so much for your kind words regarding my cat, Rosie. That was so sweet of you. She hasn't come into my dreams yet but I swear I can still feel her jump on the bed in the middle of the night!! : ) Have a wonderful day!!

    ~ Wendy
    http://Crickleberrycottage. blogspot.com/


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