Friday, February 4, 2011

Perfectly Beautiful Chairs...

Oh my goodness, i found four of the most perfectly beautiful chairs, well, actually i was using the law of attraction, and they found me. So noooowwww... i have to paint my dining room table, probably my whole house, find homes for my other chairs, redo the dining room and probably organize my sock drawer. Does that happen to anyone else, you change one thing, and there is the ripple effect that reverberates throughout your house, and then through the universe... I'll get on a roll, and somehow i'll end up cleaning out the fridge, because i changed the dining room chairs ... what is that?


  1. Oh, I do know about the ripple effect Cindy!
    One thing leads to another, but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. But, nothing every makes me clean out the fridge! LOL.

    I love your chairs and to find them with that lovely pink, lucky you.


  2. Gorgeous! Just like the ones I am on the lookout for all the time! Love them- lucky find!! :)

  3. OMG I am lovin those frenchy think of how pretty they will look with that chandy if you hang it over the TABLE and not in the kitchen!!

  4. The ripple effect...I know it well!!

    Lucky girl to find such treasures!!

  5. Hi Cindy!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!
    Your blog is so pretty and I love your profile! Very funny girl!! I love the part about vodka lol !!
    Isn't the law of attraction amazing?!!
    I'm a new follower!
    Pamela :)

  6. Ooooh! Cindy,
    You are wayyy! to kind with your comments when you visit, The chairs are indeed perfect I had some at one time change my stylr a bit about 8 years ago and now kick myself because I am back to where I started out and wish I had not given them up so easy.

    On the hunt for more great chairs like the white washed one on the left in my header :)

    Thank you for your visit keep inspiring us dear and making us have regrets for things we have lost :)


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