Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall... ... and Thrift Store Clothes...

 I wanted to show off the pretty necklace that my neice picked out for me.  She is kind of artsy and nutty like me, and she knows exactly what i like... 
I know i have 3 necklaces on, but it's the pearl one with the little pink rosettes...  isn't it sweet?  
  Don't look at all the freckles on my raggedy old chest from too much sun exposure please...
And check out these thrift store clothes... the dress is actually a vintage negligee...
the little top was just a couple of bucks  and it's the best color...
the other two necklaces are from the thrift store too, 
for $1.00 each... 
I love finding things at the thrift shop
the only thing i can't really find there are my jeans, because i wear talls... hard to find

 I like wearing funky clothes... 
i'm 57 years old, so i'm sure this is totally inappropriate...  but i'm not sure i care

Mirror Mirror on the wall, you're a magic mirror, right?  

I'd like to have flawless dewey skin again please,

and could you please do something about the frowny lines over my eyes...

all those moles and spots that keep appearing, will you take care of that..?

and there's this random hair that keeps growing on my chin... and i don't usually find it until it's like 6 inches long, because i can't see close up anymore ...  well, that's just gotta go...

oh yeah, i would like a flat stomach please

the end


  1. You look so cute!! I would have never known your 57 years old.That is not old!! I'm old!!!I'll be 63 this month.Your thrift store finds are so cute.I love your funky clothes.I say go for it!!


  2. Cindy,
    You are absolutely beautiful and you dress just as I pictured you...all frilly, romantic with a touch of cowgirl! Love it. I'm 62, and I love funky. I also have the same wishes as you, only doubled! LOL!
    I saw some yummy gray cowgirl boots that I must have. Gonna go getem for sure now!

    Love you necklaces too.


  3. Oh my!! My wishes exactly, send me that mirror when you're through with it. I'm a thrift store junkie too, such fun!!

  4. You are too funny! And I can totally relate to everything you said. You look fab in the outfit. I say "go for it". And the best part about getting older is no longer caring what others think about us. So be proud and wear whatever you want.

  5. I like to think that when you are artsy and just a little crazy you can were what you want.
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it . If that mirror works send it my way . Sisterhood of the traveling mirror ?

  6. Oh my gosh, you young ladies, I've got you all beat...I'm 66!

  7. you are preserving nicely!!! i do love a fantastic bargain like you.

    you made me laugh with the mirror business. i'm 45 and actually compose insane ballads about this stuff ('oh the insomnia keeps me weird...there go my estrogen, here come my beard...'). funny but true.

    keep gettin down wit yer funky self, cowgirl!


  8. You look adorable!!! Love all your necklaces but the pearl with little flowers is so cute and the thrift store finds all go together so well. I love finding great deals also! And, you don't look at all to be 57!!!!

  9. Wow! I figured you were way younger than me~!YOu look just amazing, so you obviously are doing something right, and I think I know what it is. YOu think young! You are blessed in many ways, and this is just one of em, so be grateful you only have one hair on that chinny chin chin!

  10. You look great girl! I just turned 58 a few weeks ago and I would never have guessed you were close to my age! We are definitely not our mother's generation in how we dress and for that matter look in least a lot of us do not look like that. Ditto on the skin, stray hairs, and all that other fun stuff that comes with "maturity".~Hugs, Patti

  11. turning 50 in 12 days.... You are making it look really good.. Rock them boots girlfriend..
    You look adorable!
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  12. You look fab woman for 57!!! Gorgeous!
    I love love the way you dress. We could shop together because i am so into that gypsy free spirit Stevie Nicks style!!! Love it!!!
    Fun you are!

    Pamela xo

  13. Love the necklaces and your "mirror, mirror" wish! I'll join in on your wish if that's OK with you.

  14. Well you look to me like you fell into the fountain of youth! Those clothes are exactly what I love to wear you look fabulous in them you pretty thing...
    I'd love for you and I to hang out we'd have so much fun together.
    Hugs Rosemary...xx

  15. Oh my goodness, Cindy! I would never have guessed that you are 57. You look fabulous! LOVE your necklaces. Thrift stores are the best, aren't they? I just got a bunch of stuff for Lillie and Lola at one here in town a couple of weeks ago.

  16. You look darling-Love the outfit...Wouldnt change any of -it...
    Remember you would have to trade the wisdom for all of those things...
    Cute Style...

  17. You look beautiful. I love your outfit, so pretty!

  18. Love the outfit and who cares if you're older. So am I and I wear what I want. That's what getting older lets you do. By the way, why is it that the chin hairs grow like you've put them on a steady diet of Miracle Grow?

  19. Cindy!! I thought you were my age...early 40's! I hope I age as gracefully as you have! I can totally relate to the hair on the chin hair is black, so I have to keep a close check on them to make sure I pluck em' fast, or it's just terrible! lol Glad there's only a couple!! :)
    Thanks for cheering me on with my chairs..I'm so excited about them...just took me long enough to get started! (last Christmas...that's pretty sad isn't it!) :)
    OH..your clothes and necklaces are adorable...I really like the beaded choker one...too cute! We could definitely shop together. I love cute feminine things, but most of my clothes have paint spatters or are holy from working on decorating projects!! lol :0) I love projects more than clothes!
    Love ya girl!

  20. 57?? no way! you are so BEAUTIFUL!! and i love the thrifted clothes, dahling!!

  21. You are looking pretty amazing in those clothes.
    Very romantic. Who cares if you are 57...!

    Have a nice day!

  22. You do NOT look like you're 57 ~ you look adorable! And...who really cares? It's just a number and IMHO, it's your attitude that keeps you young. See, I'm older than you so I made that rule. :-)

    Your necklaces are adorable, as is the entire outfit. Your niece did good!


  23. Cute outfit and necklaces!
    Question....what do you wear under the nite gown to keep it from being see thru?

    I have noticed when I turned 50 my style changed to a lil sexy casual romantic I would say. My daughter asked if I turned 50 or 15! lol
    I said I am having fun and care less about how people look at me and judge me!

    You look awesome!

    Smiles, Dolly

  24. P.S. please pass that magical mirror this way!


  25. Hey Cindy! I found you from your comment on an old post of mine that was lost in cyber until tonight!

    Clicked on your icon, followed it to your art web site, then on over here. Your blog is delightful, such style, might have known you're an artist, but WOW! your paintings are marvelous! Outfit & accessories grand!

  26. No way....57????? Never would have guessed!!! Like my friends tell me...age is just a number!

  27. You GO GIRL!! I'm in the six's and funky fits!!! franki


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